dark pools
After reading dark pools, write a discussion about the central claim of the book that markets are “rigged” in favor of algorithmic traders and against traditional institutional traders. The discussion should be between 750 and 1250 words. This means that your review will be about 3 to 4 pages double spaced, 12pt font.
Please try to use as many technical arguments from what we’ve learned in class in your review. Here are some points that can help you structure your report:
1 What are the strongest points the author makes to support his central claim that the markets are “rigged” in favor of algorithmic traders and against traditional institutional and retail traders?
2 How did these new algorithmic/electronic traders facilitate changes in market structure to create opportunities for themselves?
3 What conclusions do you draw about the fairness of the current market structure and the need for reform?
How accessible was the book, i.e., were you easily able to understand the terminology? Do you think that someone that hasn’t been exposed to market microstructure would be able to grasp the more technical details of the book?